Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is a pool of money from numerous investors which is collectively invested by a fund manager. Investing in a mutual fund can be a lot easier than buying and selling individual stocks and bonds on your own. Mutual Funds offer both 100% debt to 100% equity and also hybrid products with combination of equity and debt.

So why you should investors consider mutual funds?

Mutual funds allow investors to pool in their money for a diversified selection of securities, managed by a professional fund manager. It offers an array of innovative products like fund of funds, exchange-traded funds, Fixed Maturity Plans, Sectoral Funds and many more.

Benefits of investing in mutual funds: (Beat Inflation)

Mutual Funds can help you to generate better inflation-adjusted returns, without spending a lot of time and energy on it.

Expert Management of your Money

Mutual funds have a dedicated research team who assist the experienced fund manager to handle the financial decisions to achieve the objectives of the mutual fund scheme.


Mutual funds help mitigate risks to a large extent by distributing your investment across a diverse range of assets.


Mutual funds offer high liquidity as you can withdraw your money anytime except in the case of ELSS schemes which have a lock-in period of 3 years.

Higher Return Potential

Based on medium or long-term investment, mutual funds have the potential to generate a higher return, as you can invest in a diverse range of sectors and industries.

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